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Graphic Design
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Graphic Design

Graphic Design

If you can think it, we can design it!  At Evoque we provide quality work with passion and precision, because we love what we do.


Call us old fashioned or even old “Gray Hairs are coming in” but we think print is holding its own in today’s digital landscapes. While the role of print has evolved for most businesses, there is something to be said for a well-designed printed piece you can hold in your hand.


We’ve got you covered from business cards to billboards…and everything in between.


Here’s an overview of a typical print project:


Step 1: Draft

We work with you to clarify your message so we know just what you want to say and how much space we have to say it.


Step 2: Design

Our designer goes to work translating text into graphics designed to clearly communicate your message.


Step 3: Print

We’ll work with the printer to pick the perfect paper and finishes for your project. You just watch for your order to arrive at your doorstep.